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2022 Comes to an End

Posted by Shawn Simmonds on

We had another good year!  Lots of new customers as well as all our repeat customers.  We appreciate all of our customers, so thank you for everyone that keeps coming back for more and thank you for everyone that gave us that one order you had; We hope you think of us whenever you may need more stuff done. 

Whether it was one order or repeat business all year long, you're helping us as a local business, but you're also helping a rescue in need of funds.  We made a bunch of donations this year which helps a ton.  Besides vaccinations, emergency surgeries, shelter, and everything else rescues need, every rescue animal needs to eat.  I'd say even our "smallest" customer helped a rescue animal get a meal this year so Thank you for that.

As our last blog post mentioned, we upgraded some equipment.  We're very excited about that and hope it helps us serve our customers even better. Looking forward to 2023!


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